
I think she likes it.  Last weekend I made this little planter for our 17 month-old daughter Julia, and I slipped it into her room while she was napping.  When she woke up, she pointed at it, smiled, and I got an enthusiastic “Ooooooooh!” It was a simple hardware store craft project, but I got […]

I can’t take any credit for this beautiful host gift, except, possibly, for my taste in friends.  It was given to me recently by my friend John, who is a prominent physician in San Francisco and also one of the most creative and thoughtful people I know. Around a bottle of wine, John made a […]

I’ve never been very enthusiastic about houseplants, by which I mean those species of plants meant to live indoors indefinitely.  It’s just a matter of personal taste, of course, but, aside from in places like sunrooms, atriums and grottoes (none of which I have), I prefer changing displays of cut flowers and greens. Cut flowers, […]

The Perfect Cup of Cocoa

January 6, 2010

It’s cold in New York this week.  Really cold.  Cocoa weather.  Ironically, I learned to make good cocoa in sunny California.  During my first year in law school at Berkeley, I rented rooms from a wonderfully eccentric Dutch artist.  One rare chilly day when I was hunkered down studying for my exams, she taught me […]