Television Easel

Thursday, July 16, 2009

When we were planning our kitchen and family room in Southampton, we just avoided the issue of where to put the TV.  We knew we wanted one — for after dinner movies and for watching the news or Ina Garten (or now the Wiggles DVDs) while making breakfast or dinner, but we never really focused […]

Fairy Dust: Brass Candlesticks

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Brass candlesticks. They’re everywhere and nowhere – such a staple of traditional décor that we don’t really see them anymore. There is probably a pair or two in most of our childhoods (and our cupboards), but page through any of the hipper shelter magazines (no, Traditional Home doesn’t count), and they’re mostly absent. This, I […]

Salted Caramel Ice Cream

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Truth is, I don’t really love ice cream, and I never used to take the time to make it myself. With the exception of vanilla, most flavors seem one-dimensional and overly sweet (strawberry being, to my palate, the worst offender in this regard), and there always seem to be other handy ways to blow my […]